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Lexmy and Denise

We both work as a coach and facilitator in the realm of Sex, Love & Relationships, and share our mission to empower people to feel deeply connected & highly alive (in sex, love & life).


We studied at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (that's how we met!) and at the ISTA (International School of Temple Arts), which has given us a profound embodiment of being able to create safe spaces for people to grow, to connect, to explore and to go deep. We love to support you in personal transformation to full liberation.

Temple night

A safe & sacred space to explore open intimacy in a deeply connected way. To go on a journey with ourselves and with each other. To go further than experimenting out of curiosity, by really connecting from our hearts and souls. Consciously. Intentionally. LOVE over lust. Approaching intimacy with responsibility and wisdom as only then we can grow from it.

This requires self-responsibility for expressing & respecting our own and each other’s desires & boundaries. Therefore, a Temple Night asks for embodiment of consent, boudaries and desires. Therefore this workshops is required to enter the temple

Consent, boundaries & desires

This workshop is based on the Wheel of Consent, a concept developed by intimacy coach Betty Martin. It helps us to uplevel our communication for intimate touch, to align our outer & inner world, and to raise our consciousness about our own and each other's experience. The idea is that we move between different zones when we are intimate: we are serving, accepting, taking or allowing. The wheel serves as a tool to notice where we are and reflect on consent in each of the zones. In this workshop we will get familiar with this concept in a safe, playful & connected way.

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