Joris van der Geest
Joris is impact investor, writer and tantra teacher. This combination is less strange then it seems, as the classical tantra was not meant to be exclusively for monks, but to be practised by everyone in daily live. Joris discovered tantra by coincidence and became fascinated by the freedom of being in the moment, the deepness of experience, the magic of sexual energy and the power of intuition. He learned from various national and international teachers by following courses, assisting and co-operating and during this process, developed his own vision on tantra. For Joris, the essence of tantra is: embrace all aspect of live, with full consciousness. With his platform Leef!Tantra, he wishes to share tantra knowledge and experiences. He organises and facilitates workshops, retreats and festivals and also offers personal sessions. The aim of Leef!Tantra is to offer a safe space to discover tantra in your own way, within your boundaries and in line with your desires.
Partner Ritual: Sacred Sexuality
The workshop sacred sexuality will be a journey along different elements of sexual energy, within ourselves and in connection with our partner. This may help to breach with regular patterns in intimate interaction and to open up for new and deeper experiences. It may lead to full bliss and you may also encounter triggers and patterns, all is welcome. The main part of the workshop will be a sacred ritual with a partner. In this partner meditation, you will explore your sexual energy, first within yourselve, and then in connection with your partner. They will be an invitation to explore physical contact and sexual energy, within the boundaries of the festival (no explicit sexual contact, no full nakedness) and you own boundaries. All of this will be guided with music and voice, helping you to let go of any thoughts and getting into connection with your body and feelings. You are invited to come to this workshop with a partner.