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The C.onscious E.go O.wnership Gamemakers

The C.E.O. Gamemakers offers you life-changing games, where we work with unique archetypes. The C.E.O. Gamemakers is here for you to step into your dream reality and you going to make the impossible possible. This will be serving you big time in growing at the highest levels and inspire others in a game-changing way. No more searching for shadows, instead transforming them into true and wise advisors. We are calling this the: Flip the Coin method. We are inviting you to discover all the unique within in you, to dare to live it, to express it and for the most; play with all the possibilities the game of life offers you! 

Pleasure Dance

Pleasure Dance: In a Pleasure Dance, we move between different polarities and unique archetypes of the C.E.O. (Conscious Ego Ownership) Gamemakers. Let's move together into a sacred dance of pleasure where we confront different parts/archetypes of ourselves and play with them. For example, how would the Pleaser take the lead? Or how would the Naughty C.E.O. transition from an unconscious to a conscious dance? This workshop is a real-life game where we invite you to dance with all the pleasure within and around us.

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